- Amendment No. 5 to the Business Regulations for Electricity Trading of ALTEO Energiakereskedő Zrt. (consolidated structure) – December 21, 2021
- HEPURA Resolution No. H3095/2021 on the approval of Amendment No. 5. to ALTEO Energiakereskedő Zrt.’s Business Regulations for Electricity Trading – December 21, 2021
There are major changes underway in the modernization of energy services, which enable customers to become active and aware players in energy use. The principle of one-way metering and annual settlement is being replaced by two-way metering, as well as the use of smart devices and smart metering based on telecommunications. Smart meters can be integrated into smart homes, where meters and other electronic equipment and security devices can be intelligently connected. This makes the energy system in the home easy to oversee and monitor.
A smart meter is a metering device that is capable of measuring electricity consumption and the amount of electricity supplied to the electricity network, storing the measured data, transmitting the measured data by electronic means and receiving remote instructions for information, control, monitoring and verification.
Pursuant to the provisions of the Government Decree on the implementation of certain provisions of Act LXXXVI of 2007 on Electricity, the distributor is obliged to install a smart meter for users with a low voltage connection of 3 × 80 Amperes and below:
- where the capacity of the place of use – in the case of a new connection of a new place of use or an extension of the capacity of a place of use – reaches or is greater than 3 × 32 A,
- in the case of direct metering, if a household-scale small power plant is connected to the electricity network at the place of use or, in the case of a household-scale small power plant, the certification period of the metering equipment expires,
- if the consumption of electricity at the place of use has reached or exceeded 5,000 kWh/year in the previous annual settlement period and no indirect metering is installed at the place of use. In this case, the smart meter is installed according to the time schedule laid down in the legal regulation.
Customers whose place of use does not fall into one of the above categories can request the installation of a smart meter from their territorially competent distributor for an extra fee.
In the case of smart metering, the consumption and feed-in data measured by the smart meters are automatically transmitted to the distributor’s data center. The data recorded in the system can be viewed either on the meter or via a web interface (registration required). The phase-out of on-site readings in the case of these meters is ongoing.
For more information on the customer information leaflet and the full functionality of the smart meters currently in use, the procedure for meter reading by the user and the distributor, the monitoring of energy consumption, and the collection and processing of personal data, please visit the website of the territorially competent distributor.
ALTEO Energiakereskedő Zrt. offers its users the possibility to conclude contracts with multiple zone times and flexible pricing.
Users can request detailed information on this from the customer service of ALTEO Energiakereskedő Zrt.
You can access the currently effective text and the previous version of the legal regulations referenced in the official database of the National Legislation Database as follows. On the www.njt.hu website, enter the year, number and type of legal regulation you are looking for, and press Search. Click on the calendar icon next to the search result and click on the date in green to see the current version, or click on any date in red to see the previous versions of the legal regulation.
Act LXXXVI of 2007 on Electricity
Act XL of 2008 on Natural Gas Supply
Act LXX of 2008 on Certain Issues Related to Electricity
Act XLV of 1991 on Metrology
Act CXII of 2011 on Informational Self-Determination and Freedom of Information
Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code
Annex 2016 – Act LXVIII of 2016 on Excise Tax
Act CLV of 1997 on Consumer Protection
Act XLVII of 2008 on the Prohibition of Unfair Commercial Practices against Consumers
Act LXXXVII of 1990 on Price-setting
Act CCXXII of 2015 on the General rules of Electronic Administration and Trust Services
Act LVII of 2015 on Energy Efficiency
Government decrees:
Government Decree No. 273/2007. (X.19.) on the implementation of certain provisions of Act LXXXVI of 2007 on Electricity
Government Decree 19/2009 (I. 30.) on the implementation of the provisions of Act XL of 2008 on Natural Gas Supply
Government Decree No. 389/2007 (XII. 23.) on the obligatory dispatch and feed-in tariff of electricity generated from waste or from renewable energy sources and co-generated electricity
Government Decree No. 382/2007. (XII. 23.) on the licensing procedures of the building authorities in the electricity sector
Government Decree No. 127/1991. (X.9.) on the implementation of Act XLV of 1991 on Metrology
Government Decree No. 280/2016.(IX. 21.) on the measures to be taken in the event of a major disturbance of the electricity system and an electricity supply crisis
Government Decree No. 451/2016 (XII.19.) on the detailed rules of electronic administration
Other decrees:
Decree No. 7/2016 (X. 13.) MEKH on the framework for the determination of electricity system usage fees, connection fees and special fees
Decree No. 10/2016. (XI. 14.) MEKH on the rules of application of electricity system usage fees, connection fees and special fees
Decree No. 15/2016. (XII. 20.) MEKH on the rate of electricity system usage fees, connection fees and special fees
Decree No. 11/2016. (XI. 14.) MEKH on the rules of application of natural gas system usage fees, special fees and connection fees
Decree No. 43/2016 (XI. 23.) NGM on the specific requirements for measuring instrumentsDecree No. 6/2001 (III.19.) on measuring instruments and their metrological control
Decree No. 61/2016 (XII. 29.) NGM on the administrative service fees payable for the procedure of the technical safety authority and the procedure of the building authority delegated to its competence
Decree No. 2/2013 (I. 22.) NGM on the safety zone of electricity plants and of private and direct power lines
EU regulation:
Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons regarding the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation)
COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) 2017/2196 of 24 November 2017 establishing a network code on electricity emergency and restoration.
Industrial Energy Consumer Forum
Address: H-1097 Budapest, Illatos út, 11/a
Email: office@ief.hu
National Association of Housing Associations and Condominiums
Address: H-1121 Budapest, Oltvány köz 6
Email: losz@losz.hu
Association of Hungarian Energy Consumers
Address: H-1091 Budapest, Üllői út 25
Email: mesz.iroda@freemail.hu
National Federation of Hungarian Pensioners’ Associations
Address: H-1074 Budapest, Szövetség utca 9 A épület, FSZT. 1. ajtó
Email: nyosz@enternet.hu
Association of Hungarian Municipalities
Address: H-2100 Gödöllő, Szabadság tér 7
Email: mosz@godollo.hu
Professional Association of Hungarian District Heating Providers
Address: H-1116 Budapest, Barázda u.42
Email: info@tavho.org
National Association of Agricultural Cooperatives and Producers
Address: H-1125 Budapest, Istenhegyi út 59-61
Email: fotitkarhelyettes@mosz.agrar.hu
National Association of Village Municipalities
Address: H-1071 Budapest, Damjanich utca 44
Email: toosz@toosz.hu
Association of Network Energy Buyers
Address: H-6701 Szeged, PO Box 950
Contact details of the permanent customer service office:
- Address: H-1033 Budapest, Kórház utca 6-12
- Tel: +36 1 236 8054
- Fax: +36 1 236 8051
- Email: energia@alteo.hu
Opening hours of the permanent customer service office:
- Monday: 9:00 am to 8:00 pm
- From Tuesday to Friday: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Rights of users eligible for universal service
Users eligible for universal service can read more about their rights related to universal service, in particular the rules on switching traders, cancellation/termination of contracts and disconnection, payment terms and methods in Part III of the currently effective version of ALTEO Energiakereskedő Zrt.’s Business Regulations for Electricity Trading, and can request further information on this subject from the customer service.
Comparison tool
The Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority operates a comparison tool covering the entirety of the market, that compares electricity trader offers in independent, clear and objective fashion, based on data provided by license holders.
The comparison tool is available on the website of the Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority: https://eka.mekh.hu/calculator
- Amendment No. 4 to the Business Regulations for Electricity Trading of ALTEO Energiakereskedő Zrt. – June 2, 2021
- HEPURA Resolution No. H 1369 /2021 on the approval of Amendment No. 4. to ALTEO Energiakereskedő Zrt.’s Business Regulations for Electricity Trading
- Amendments to ALTEO Energiakereskedő Zrt.’s Business Regulations for Electricity Trading planned for 2021 – for commenting
- Amendment No. 3 to the Business Regulations for Electricity Trading of ALTEO Energiakereskedő Zrt. – February 10, 2020
- HEPURA Resolution on the approval of the amendment to ALTEO Energiakereskedő Zrt.’s Business Regulations for Electricity Trading – February 10, 2020
- Amendments to ALTEO Energiakereskedő Zrt.’s Business Regulations for Electricity Trading planned for November 2019 – for commenting
- ALTEO Energiakereskedő Zrt.’s Business Regulations for Electricity Trading – April 25, 2019
- HEPURA Resolution No. H 1066/2019 on the approval of Amendment No. 2. to ALTEO Energiakereskedő Zrt.’s Business Regulations