Questions and answers concerning natural gas trade
The universal service user may terminate an indefinite-term universal service contract by giving 30 days’ written notice.
If the user wishes to switch natural gas traders, this is carried out free of charge by the license holders and neither the natural gas trader nor the system operator may charge the user any fees in this context. The natural gas trader with whom the user concludes the new natural gas trading contract may also act on behalf of the user for the purpose of the change of trader. The change of trader can only take place if the conditions set out in the contract with the previous supplier are met.
As a given geographic area is served by a given natural gas distributor with a license under the Natural Gas Supply Act, its services must be used for the distribution of natural gas and, therefore, there is no choice.
The network connection contract and the distribution network usage contract previously concluded with the natural gas distributor remains in force and governs the technical conditions for the supply of gas and the connection to the network. A sale and purchase contract for natural gas must be concluded with the natural gas trader, which includes the price of the natural gas as a product and the fees for the transport to the place of use, distribution, storage, (system usage) as well as the other terms and conditions of the sale.
It does not change, as meter reading is the task and obligation of the natural gas distributor, irrespective of the natural gas trader, which will continue to perform this task in accordance with the applicable legal regulations, its business regulations and the contract concluded with the natural gas trader.
In all cases, the quantity of heat transferred or received is determined based on the rules laid down in the Operating and Trading Regulations of the Hungarian Natural Gas System (hereinafter: OTR) and the applicable provisions of the business regulations of the transmission and distribution license holders.
At all points in the cooperating natural gas system, settlements are based on the normal gas technical status, so the calorific value data for settlement purposes also apply to this status. Gas meters – without adjuster installed – are not suitable for the direct determination of the gas quantity in relation to the gas technical normal status, i.e., the gas meters do not measure this quantitative characteristic, but the so-called operating quantity. In order to determine the actual amount of heat consumed (GJ) based on the operating quantity (m3) measured by the gas meter, the value measured by the gas meter must be multiplied by a so-called adjustment factor and the calorific value.
If calorific value data are not available, the License Holder uses the calorific value as per the QSR (Quality Settlement Rules published by FGSZ Földgázszállító Zrt.) as substitute value. The QSR is available on the website of FGSZ Zrt.:
100 m3/h névleges (össz)teljesítmény feletti felhasználási helyek esetében az illetékes Elosztói engedélyes távmérő felszerelésére kötelezett, így a tényleges leolvasás távadatként kerül minden nap a rendszerbe. Ez a tényfogyasztás lesz az elszámolás alapja.
100 m3/h névleges (össz)teljesítmény alatti* felhasználási helyek esetében – a mérő teljesítményének függvényében az elosztó havi/éves leolvasásokat végez, amely a legtöbb esetben nem esik egybe az elszámolási időszakkal. Így a részidőszaki elszámolások az egyedi szerződésekben rögzített feltételek mellett történhetnek havi diktálás, szerződött mennyiség, vagy elosztói allokáció alapján.
(* normál, 100 mBar alatti nyomás esetében; 100 mbar-nál nagyobb üzemi nyomás esetén a földgázelosztó jogosult a fogyasztásmérő berendezés névleges kapacitását gáztechnikai normálállapotra átszámítani.)
Affairs relating to the gas meter fall in the scope of competence of the territorially competent natural gas distributor, but applications and requests are received by the natural gas distributor via the gas trader. Applications and requests to the company should be sent via email to or by post, addressed to ALTEO Energiakereskedő Zrt. at H-1033 Budapest, Kórház utca 6-12, indicating the name of the place of use and the metering point identifier (POD: “39N…”).
In the event of technical faults and errors, we order a meter check at the natural gas distributor, usually as an on-site inspection of the natural gas distributor.
In the cases of places of use with nominal (total) capacity below 100 m3/h, we provide the possibility for meter reading dictation, which our users can send to by the 3rd working day after each current month, indicating their metering point identifier and the reading of the gas meter. If no dictation is received by the deadline for the given month, we will prepare the bill based on estimated consumption.
Users can initiate the setting up of a new billing address by sending a request to this end via email or by post to or addressed to ALTEO Energiakereskedő Zrt. at H-1033 Budapest, Kórház utca 6-12.
If you have already settled your debt before the date of our notice, we recommend that you contact us via email or over the phone to discuss the discrepancy in the records.
Users can only apply for payment facilitation until the payment deadline of the bills. They can submit their request in writing to our company.
Users can request instalment payment once a year.