Felsődobsza hydropower plant
Renewables-based energy production
Site: 3847 Felsődobsza, Deák Ferenc u. 67.
The village of Felsődobsza lies in Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County along the Hernád River, 84 kilometres from the river mouth. Built in 1906, put into operation in 1911 and reconstructed in 2012-13, a diversion-type hydroelectric power plant is located here.
The hydroelectric power plant is partially owned by Észak-magyarországi Áramszolgáltató Nyrt (land, buildings, dam). Based on the contracts concluded by ÉMÁSZ Nyrt. and Sinergy Kft. in 2004, (member of the ALTEO Group since May 2015), the ALTEO Group participates operates the hydroelectric power plant as a lessee, licence holder and operator. The energy production assets of the plant (turbine, generator) are owned by Alteo.
The hydroelectric power plant in Felsődobsza had operated with two 220 kW turbines since 1911, with the first engineering and electrical equipment supplied by Ganz and Co. In the decades following 1945, the power plant came into the ownership of ÉMÁSZ and was declared a historical site in 2009. In addition to energy production, the aim was to keep the power plant of industrial historic interest operational. In dire need of reconstruction, Sinergy Kft.* took over the operation of the power plant in 2004 and started looking into options for its modernisation.
The owner at the time, ÉMÁSZ Nyrt., and the operator, Sinergy Kft., decided in 2010 to reconstruct the power plant with a view to increasing its output, combined with the replacement if its main equipment. Carried out by Sinergy Kft., the investment project, which exceeded HUF 900 million, involved the installation of modern turbines that doubled the hydroelectric power plant’s electricity production capacity to 940 kW.
As part of the reconstruction project, all technological equipment was replaced, while water structures and the power plant’s engine room were reconstructed in compliance with architectural conservation and environmental protection requirements. To implement the investment project, Sinergy Kft. received a grant of HUF 376 million under tender procedure KEOP-4.4.0, which was co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and the Hungarian central budget.
A protected historical site, ALTEO’s Felsődobsza hydroelectric power plant earned two prestigious accolades within a short period of time and is expected to attract even more tourists to the region. The power plant is not only special due to its state-of-the-art technology, but also for its historic features which were carefully preserved during reconstruction: the original machinery on display today operated for a hundred years without any issues, an achievement almost unthinkable today.
The machinery and facilities of the Felsődobsza hydroelectric power plant were admitted to the County Value Repository in September 2016, while this year the Municipality of Felsődobsza submitted a tender in response to the “Kincseink” (Our Treasures) appeal that was later considered eligible for support by the awarding authority. Felsődobsza won the annual award in the “technical solutions” category. The hydroelectric power plant has a long history. It started with a local landowner, Count Gábor Bárczay, who decided to have his estate supplied with electricity in 1906. The power plant was put into operation in 1911 and soon was able to produce enough electricity to supply some of it to neighbouring Miskolc.
Felsődobsza hydroelectric power plant has operated practically continuously with its original equipment for a hundred years, which is testament to the quality of turn-of-the-century Hungarian engineering (the turbines had been supplied by Ganz) and also goes to demonstrates the expertise of its staff. Some of the operators spent their entire career there. The power plant has its own workshop with a historical lathe, cutting machine and drill to manufacture the unique parts required for professional maintenance for a hundred years.
In 2011, exactly a hundred years after the power plant was put into operation, reconstruction was undertaken by ALTEO with grant funding from the Environment and Energy Operational Programme (KEOP). 40% of the over HUF 900 million investment project was funded by the EU with the remainder covered by Sinergy, a member of the ALTEO Group. The reconstruction itself took place 2012-13 and the power plant was put back into operation in 2013.
To read the full article on the Felsődobsza Power Plant, click here.